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Travel by train from Rome to Modena from 23,20€

From Rome to Bologna with Italo High Speed Train from 18,90€ + Trenitalia regional train from Bologna to Modena at 4,30€

CLOSE DONE SEARCH Adult Adults Child Children Infant Infants Senior Young Youngs Dog Dogs Passenger Passengers Add Passengers Passengers Over 60 14-29 years 3 -13 years with seat 0 – 13 years with seat Infants from 0 to 36 months can travel for free without an assigned seat when on an adult’s lap. In case of intermodal ticket purchase (High Speed Train + coach), the seat for the Infant (0-3 years old) aboard the train is also subject to payment. Infant can travel on coaches only in approved seats carried by the accompanying adult. 0-36 months no seat Over 5 kg or without carrier 30+ passengers From To Departure station Arrival station Enter City or Station No Match Found Select departure station Select arrival station Depart Date Add return Return Date Do you have a Promo Code? Promo Code Promo Attivo Select departure station Select arrival station Select at least one passenger BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$ButtonSubmit RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$ButtonSubmit - Q__ - 29 186 true true true BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$TextBoxMarketOrigin1 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListMarketDay1 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListMarketMonth1 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursBegin_1 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursEnd_1 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$TextBoxMarketDestination1 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListMarketDay2 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListMarketMonth2 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursBegin_2 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursEnd_2 BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListPassengerType_ADT BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListPassengerType_SNR BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListPassengerType_YNG BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListPassengerType_CHD BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$InfantTextBox BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$PetTextBox promocode BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListFareTypes BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$DropDownListSearchBy BookingRicercaRestylingBookingAcquistoRicercaView$RadioButtonMarketStructure aliasPromo RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$TextBoxMarketOrigin1 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListMarketDay1 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListMarketMonth1 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursBegin_1 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursEnd_1 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$TextBoxMarketDestination1 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListMarketDay2 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListMarketMonth2 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursBegin_2 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownDepartureTimeHoursEnd_2 RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListPassengerType_ADT RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListPassengerType_SNR RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListPassengerType_YNG RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListPassengerType_CHD RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$InfantTextBox RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$PetTextBox promocode RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListFareTypes RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$DropDownListSearchBy RestylingMSiteNEASIBARView$RadioButtonMarketStructure aliaspromo True

Train tickets
From Rome to Modena

Don't miss our incredible offers: buy your train tickets from Rome to Modena or from Modena to Rome with Italotreno!


From Rome to Modena by train

🚉 Departure Rome
🚄 Arrival Modena
⌚ Trip duration 2 hours and 55 minutes
💰 Price Tickets from 23,20 €
📍 Distance 331 km

Travelling from Rome to Modena by train is a fast and economical journey. The Rome-Modena route is 331 km long and the journey with Italo takes 2 hours and 55 minutes. The price of this trip starts from 23,20 €, a convenient price to enjoy a round trip to visit beautiful Modena.

Journey details

Want to know more about your journey? Following you'll find the frequently asked questions by our customers and some tips for your journey.

How many km is Modena from Rome?

The direct distance between Rome and Modena is 331 km.

What times are the trains scheduled from Rome to Modena by train?

Every day, Italo has trains scheduled to depart from Rome to Modena and from Modena to Rome. You can find the schedule that is most convenient for you anytime, from the early morning until late in the evening. Check out train times to plan your trip.

What is the fastest train from Rome to Modena?

The fastest way takes roughly 2 hours and 55 minutes to make the distance between Rome and Modena.

How long does it take to get from Rome to Modena by train?

It generally takes 2 hours and 55 minutes to get to Modena from Rome though this depends on the date, time and day of the week. Check out train times to plan your trip.

Hot much does it cost from Rome to Modena by train?

Ticket prices for Italo trains from Rome to Modena start around 23,20 €. If you buy your ticket in advance, the price will be low - with Italo you can take advantage of great deals and discounts. See what deals are waiting for you on our train ticket offers page.

What is the cheapest way to get from Rome to Modena?

Italo offers great deals on tickets for its clients, subscribe to the newsletter to stay up to date on discounts and promotions.

Best offers

Italo Travel Pack: flexibility and and savings up to -80%

Choose between Travel Pack 10 valid for 180 days or Travel Pack Special 10 and 20, valid for 30 days!


Italo Family, children travel free of charge.

Children under 14 years of age travel free of charge with their family.


Italo Friends

Travelling together is more convenient!


Rome to Modena train stops

Which stops the Rome - Modena route train makes.

Rome Termini
Rome Tiburtina
Florence S.M.Novella
Exchange Station
Cambio con
treno regionale
Treno Italo Alta Velocità
Treno Italo Alta Velocità
Treno Italo Alta Velocità
Cambio treno Italo Alta Velocità con treno regionale
Treno regionale di Trenitalia Tper

Discover Roma Termini

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